ORIS Sales, read the board outside the spacious industrial gala on 14th
Cross Road, Andheri (West).
To the far right corner of the gala, a window
opened and a white haired lean face stuck out. It seemed to be breathing in the
fresh air. Suddenly, the face turned around for there were two of his junior
team members, Sajiv and Paresh, knocking
furiously on his door.
‘Come in’ said the silver haired man. The misty
glass door opened and stepped in the two youngsters.
Sir, blurted Paresh, Bronson tells me he will come
with us to close the Bumbani proposal deal. It’s so unfair sir. I built the
client relationship and now Bronson wants to come along with his arm candy
Brinda and prove to Poga sir that he drafted the effective proposal and Brinda
delivered the solutions.
They want to take all the credit sir, added Sajiv.
I want to close this deal myself!!! It was so difficult to convince the
Bambanis to buy our vacuum cleaners instead of Durekas. I spent months costing
the budget to their specifications, and now Bronson and Brinda want to share
all the credit.
The silver haired man spoke softly - what
understanding does she have about vacuum cleaners??? She used to work in a
drain suction pump company earlier and Bronson believes she is a pro in
understanding the works of a vacuum cleaner! Boys! I am going to put an end to
all this nonsense. Let me meet Poga in a while and I will soon bring you good
Meanwhile, in Bronson’s cabin, romance was in the
air. If Sajiv and Paresh were at the height of frustration, Bronson and Brinda
were lost in the heights of lust and passion. The levels were equally high at
both ends.
Bronson had the cunningness of a fox and headed a
coveted position in ORIS, that of a Managing Director, the end point of all
deliveries and Brinda was akin to an opportunist, a witch and headed a team
just for namesake. She had no clue as what the team was doing. "Update
your task sheets yourselves and allocate work to your own self . I want you to
grow and not follow orders from me as a leader" That was her welcome
speech to her team. The team squirmed in their seats. Nice way of saying I
don't know what to do, so do your tasks yourselves thought Guava Singh, one of
the brightest talent in the team.
Premchand Ogavarty who loathed the name given by
his parents, chose to be known as Poga. He was the recently inducted CEO of
ORIS and had slowly but steadily kicked out a lot of the brilliant talents in ORIS
and smoothly installed many of his faithful cronies from his earlier company.
The only common test that all had to pass was if they remembered Premchand
Ogavarty was asked to get out of his previous job? A ‘ No’ facilitated direct
entry to ORIS with the most attractive perks one can possibly imagine.
Poga fancied Bronson for being brainy but not using
it to debate the futility of any of his own decisions. Poga believed in hiring
people who would never raise their heads in front of him. Bronson continued
this legacy below his line. Both would go to any extent to uplift their
professional careers. Even at the cost of trampling on the corpses of their
The phone rang and interrupted the blissful moment
in Bronson’s cabin...unrelentingly Bronson reached out to pick it up. Brinda
pulled his hand back and continued to kiss him. She loved to move her tongue
over his crooked teeth and for some reason Bronson would lose himself to the
devil when she did that. Bronson slid
his hands over Brinda's arse and was surprised when he got a whack on his hand!
He woke up from his stupor! Poga was glaring at him
while feasting his eyes on Brindas bare skin at the same time. With a curled
stubby finger, he gestured Bronson to follow him to his cabin.
What the hell! Can’t you lock your cabin, yelled
Poga. A ruffled Bronson meekly retorted – you didn’t knock sir!
I called you on your desk line...you never picked
it up, you imbecile.
I was busy sir, mumbled Bronson.
Busy with whattttt???? I told you to be cautious.
Her brown hair and her dimplish grins blinds you but don’t think others are
blind! I had a tough time placating that ogre from business development. He was
here a few moments ago, his silver air emanating electric currents. He wanted
to know why you both should go to close Bambani’s final proposal meeting!
Sir, Brinda has 3 years of solid experience in
suction pumps. She is the most ideal candidate in ORIS to prove to the Bambanis
that we have employed the best from the industry. Her experience in suction
pumps is very valuable, don’t you think so sir???
After all vacuum cleaners do have a suction pump at
the end, don’t they?
Poga glared at his loyal follower. Brindas suction
pump knowledge seemed to have worked on every malleable bone in Bronson's lanky
self. Bronson was losing it. He had to stop him.
Listen, you ARE NOT going to the Bambani meeting.
Let the Ogre and his team taste the flavour of success. And, between you and
me, that’s the last taste they get!
What!!! I promised Brinda I will take her for her
first bid win tomorrow. How can I deny her joy at the last moment?
Young boy, there are many other ways to delight a
young woman. Why don’t you use some other tricks I taught you? After all, you
should have made me proud by now. As your mentor, I want to bask in the glory of
your deliverables at work and outside of it.
Crap, thought Bronson. The old man thinks he taught
me everything.
Boss you are right, he blurted. Am going to take
her to Delhi and stay at the Taj when we go for Bonsons meeting. Kindly pass
the budget.
No issues Bronson. Remember we share, we learn and
that’s how we earn. I will also be joining you both at the Taj.
The color drained from Bronsons face.
By the way, continued Poga, we have to make 3 more
proposals for our prospective clients. Let the Ogre and his team do the
groundwork and ask them to send it to us for final approval.
And when they send, don’t give them the approval.
You and Brinda take it to the client and close it between yourselves. Let the
Ogre hear it after it’s closed.
Bronson’s face beamed with delight and the color
came back to his face. Meanwhile Paresh and Sanjiv were delighted that Bronson
and Brinda were finally off their back.
Back in his corner, a sense of satisfaction and
warmth glowed on the face surrounded by a cloud of silver hair. He was happy he
could give his boys their due...
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