About Me

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Mumbai, Maharastra, India
Born in Mumbai, my earliest memory in life is a story. A story that said – perhaps I was adopted. Every person has a story to tell. I like to listen and most of them form the base for the stories I write. I also teach creative writing to students and professionals from all walks of life. Many have a story to tell...I help them to pen it down. I also edit, guide and help students create Statement of Purposes, LORs, Resumes and Personal Essays for their Study Abroad documentations. Please go through the samples of the SOPs done by me...I work via the electronic media with students at a global level. I also help corporates as well as individuals in regards to handling all their communication needs. Brochures, newsletters, pamphlets or press releases are delivered under strict time-lines and as per international quality.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

The Tight Rope Walk - Finding Love

Diana, now in her late forties, found herself stepping into a new chapter of life. After a long and tumultuous 28-year marriage, she made the brave decision to end it when she finally felt financially independent.

Though she had been married for so long, Diana had always craved a deeper, more genuine kind of love—something she never quite found with her ex-husband. They were childhood sweethearts who had grown into adults with different values and dreams. While family and friends adored them both, they had little in common. The spark that had once connected them was long gone. 
To break the monotony of her newfound single life, Diana decided to give online dating a try. She met a series of men who claimed to be single but were clearly just looking for some fun. She quickly learned to brush these encounters aside, knowing that what she wanted was something real. Then, one day, she met someone different—a man who seemed to check all the boxes on her list. He was kind, genuine, and fun to be around. However, he was also a decade younger than her, which gave her pause. Could she really open her heart to someone so much younger?

Despite her doubts, Diana found herself enjoying his company immensely. He was easygoing and sincere; with him, she could go to a movie and actually enjoy it, or have a simple lunch or dinner without any pretense. There were no grand gestures or showiness—just a refreshing simplicity that made her feel at ease. As they spent more time together, Diana felt a connection growing—a band forming around her heart.

The man, however, still hoped to find the woman of his dreams. He had marriage on his mind, but he cherished the friendship that was blossoming between them. One day, he proposed an idea to Diana: a friendship that would last a lifetime, one that would bridge the gap until he found his life partner. No dramas, no fuss—just companionship and support.

Diana smiled at his sincerity. It wasn’t what she had initially been searching for, but maybe it was what she needed—a heartfelt connection, free from the pressure of labels and expectations. She agreed to his proposal, content in knowing that for now, they could simply be two souls finding solace in each other’s company. And as they walked this path together, Diana realized that sometimes, the love you crave doesn’t always come in the form you expect. Sometimes, it comes softly, in the form of a deep and meaningful friendship.

And more importantly - Oscar Wilde said that to Love Oneself Is the Beginning of a Lifelong Romance said 


Anonymous said...

Love your writing...awesomeeee❤️

Anonymous said...

Feels Related👍

Anonymous said...

Interesting read